

1 Do not panic or make others panic.
2 In case of Fires, use nearest exit.
3 Call the number 1513

*The Tharaka Nithi County Emergency response team will always try to attend to cases in the most prompt manner possible!


Direct Line: 1513
Offices: Chuka (Public Works Offices)
Contact Person: Alex Muthitu
Office Hours: Open 24/7



The Climate change framework is established pursuant to the Climate change Act 2018 whose main role is to implement the County climate change framework including: (a) Financing of climate change programs; (b) Initiating and coordinating of climate change adaptation and mitigation activities at the community level; (c) Facilitating incorporation of Climate Finance in the county planning and budgetary framework (d) enhancing Climate Finance mechanisms; (e) Coordinating support from National government climate change policy and legislative framework (f) Coordinating collection and dissemination of climate change information to the public to create awareness and preparedness.

FLLoCA Overview

Financing Locally Led Climate Action (FLLoCA) is a program in Kenya that helps local governments manage climate change. The program is funded by the World Bank, DANIDA, SIDA, and the German government.

the goal

To strengthen local resilience to the impact of climate change, natural hazards, and other shocks/stressors, thereby supporting Kenya’s transition to a low carbon, climate resilient and green development pathway.


To strengthen county and national governments’

capacity to deliver locally led climate resilience actions.

How it works

  • FLLoCA builds county-level capacity for planning and implementing local climate actions
  • FLLoCA strengthens national-level capacity for coordination, monitoring, and reporting
  • FLLoCA prioritizes citizen engagement and local leadership in climate action

the benefits


  • FLLoCA helps communities understand how global climate trends affect them locally
  • FLLoCA helps communities facilitate partnerships and collaboration to address climate challenges
  • FLLoCA helps communities strengthen demand and transparency of climate action

Specific Objectives:

  1. To support the development and strengthen policy, legal and regulatory frameworks at national and county levels for accelerated access to climate financing for building resilience at local levels
  2. To strengthen the capacity of national and county- level institutions and stakeholders to accelerate climate financing at local level
  3. To increase access to climate finance to support investments in climate resilience and low carbon emissions at local level
  4. To support community-led local initiatives for enhanced community resilience and enhanced sustainable development
  5. To increase access to green/environmentally friendly technologies to deliver low carbon climate resilient development at national and local levels
  6. To enhance transparency and accountability on support provided and actions implemented.


SnoWardLocationProjects NameDetails
1MarimantiMarimantiNaikara -Thingithu Sand Damconstruction of Sand dam along Ruakaguanda river kaanyaga sub location-Kanyaga market
2MukothimaThiitiNandora SpringSpring protection and development of supply lines to Thiiti market, Kirundi Primary and karambani primary
3Igambang’ombeItugururuGotonto Gravity Dam.Contsruction of Check dam along kathangara stream -
4CiakarigaKamarandiKerera check dam Check Dam.Contruction of check dam along muthangachwe stream, kamarandi location
5MuthambiKandunguMuthambe-Gitije water projectContruction of laterals and connection to 300 households -Kandungu location
6MwimbiMaaraKieni day secondary schoolInstallation of institutional biogas plant
7ChogoriaChogoriaKimuchia day secondary schoolInstallation of institutional biogas plant


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